What to expect


I believe you're the best authority in knowing and choosing the areas of your life we'll explore during our sessions. As your therapist, my role is to be alongside you and to actively create a safe space for your explorations. I’ll endeavour to sensitively and respectfully communicate my moment-to-moment understanding of what might be going on for you which may help you to see yourself in new ways and with greater clarity.

The relationship we form and sense of connection you may feel are significant aspects of our work together. We can look at what’s causing distress and work together to enable you to process your difficulties, thereby helping you to find a way through them. Through this, you may become more attuned to yourself and develop greater awareness of your capabilities. 

Throughout our time together, I’ll value your autonomy as a client. I’ll welcome hearing and working with any feedback you may have. Central to my training is carrying ethical awareness of the power associated with my role in the therapy relationship alongside being aware of how clients may perceive this potential power dynamic.